How Does Divorce Mediation Work in South Carolina?

How Does Divorce Mediation Work in South Carolina?


Divorce Mediation in South Carolina Explained

As times change, people are realizing that going through court to solve issues related to divorce isn’t always the right fit for their situation. More and more couples are using mediation as a tool to peacefully solve disputes.

What is Mediation?

In South Carolina, family mediation is the process of allowing a neutral party to assist you with reaching an informed decision to settle questions you may have about separation, divorce, child custody, alimony, and more.

The agreement you reach with your ex while in mediation would be voluntary and your rights wouldn’t be waived while negotiating. Hiring an experienced mediator is the first step towards reaching a successful resolution in a complicated divorce outside of court.

Who Does Mediation Benefit?

Mediation is a good choice if you want to avoid going to trial and is also a cost-effective way to settle your divorce. Taking a divorce case to trial can result in having to wait months or longer to finalize your divorce.

If you want to get through the process quicker and less costly, then mediation is a good choice for you.

Some couples just can’t come to an agreement, but they want to forgo court altogether. Communicating with your spouse may feel like a roadblock for you, but mediation is an option to have someone sit down and help you and your spouse reach an agreement in your divorce.

When Should You Go to a Mediator?

Once you and your spouse agree that you can speak freely and honestly about the concerns you have with your divorce, you should schedule a consultation with our attorney, Heather Shaw, at Shaw Law Firm, LLC. Heather knows how hard it is to go through a divorce and offers mediation services that helps couples communicate and negotiate reasonably.

Contact us today at (843) 256-3499 to discuss if divorce mediation is the right option for you.
